What is Barn Hunt?
A teamwork sport where dogs attempt to locate or mark hidden rats retrieving the rats in their aerated tubes safely. Testing the dogs agility, speed, nose and confidence.
For those that have never been around rats before or done barn hunt.
30 minutes ~ $20.00
Introduction to Rats/ Instinct
For beginner dogs to become introduced to the rats.
20 mins ~ $20
For those who have experience with rats and want to work towards the RATNX title. The dog must find 3 hidden tubes one with a rat, one with used rat litter and an empty tube within 3 and 1/2 minutes along with some obstacles.
For those who have some experience with barn hunt and want to work towards the RATO title. The dog must locate 5 hidden tubes 2 rat filled tubes, 2 litter tubes and 1 empty tube. detecting the tubes must be completed within 2 and 1/2 minutes along with some obstacles.
for those who have experience in barn hunt and want to work towards the RATS title. the dog must find 8 hidden tubes; 1 empty, 4 rats, 3 rat litter tubes. The 8 tubes must be located within 3 and 1/2 minutes along with some obstacles.
For those well experienced in barn hunt and want to work towards the RATM title. the dogs must locate 1-5 rat tubes and 3-7 tubes of litter at random decided by the judge in order to make 8 total tubes found. The tubes must be found within 4 and 1/2 minutes along with some obstacles.
Crazy 8’s
For those who have experience with Barn Hunt no titles are needed to do this course. The dogs goal is to locate up to 8 rats while going through some obstacles and not marking the rat litter tubes.